Short Answer: Let girls come and go as they please.
When dating, the key is letting girls come to you at their own pace. She needs to start reaching out and chasing you as soon as possible, because deep down, she WANTS to. How is this achieved? By being MASCULINE. Here are the instructions:
-DO NOT over pursue. The phone is for setting dates, NOT for talking. Don’t let her trick you into this trap, she knows how to do it and it’s a test. She wants to see that you are busy with your life and potentially have other options. This is the ‘chase’ girls so desperately crave. It’s nothing more than being a challenge and generating mystery…i.e. a 10 minute phone call is plenty to set that date after meeting. REMEMBER: Be different, DON’T be afraid to call her. She will appreciate this. If she likes you, she’ll get back to you either way.
-The date should be the most fun part for you and for her. You already put in the work by leading the initial interaction. Check out this to help:
-After the date is where actual progress is made. This may seem counterproductive, but it’s a part of the hard science of attraction. TAKE YOUR TIME. Most guys do too much and turn her off because she has nothing to be curious about or look forward to discover. LESS is MORE here. There is to be one communication exchange, per week, per date. Let her WONDER about you. She MUST do this to develop an emotional charge with you. Remember, don't get caught on the phone. It's simply a tool for making dates. (So DO NOT text her that night or the following day saying how great it was. That’s her area of operations, NOT yours.) When she does think about you, this is how reaching out will become HER idea.
-If you follow this rule (and always fall back on it) she can come to you, thus CHASE you, at her own comfort level. This above all else makes her feel safe to open herself up to you and trust you. All this does is compound her attraction to you. Girls are emotional, it’s no secret. That’s what feminine energy is. For example, she probably won’t even recognize she’s texting you at first, but she’s curious about you because you aren’t pushing her along prematurely like most other guys. What she really is trying to tell you is she wants to see you again! As the masculine presence, you are to simply make the next date, and make sure you give her a great time. Remember, you are NOT her friend, you want to be her lover, so get on that next date.
Always recall, attraction is a science, because it can be replicated over many different scenarios yielding the same results.