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Where do I meet girls?

Short Answer:  ANYWHERE!


So you’ve realized dating apps are trash, and meeting people in person is a breath of fresh air.  Afterall, we’re social creatures, designed to reach out and interact with one another.  When people are feeling pain, they are withholding their gifts.  Those gifts come from the need to GIVE to others and be of service.  Most people are depressed and feel down because they can’t get out of their own way. 


The primary goal for anyone is to have an absolute BLAST by themselves.  The trick is, whatever energy you’re emitting is what you WILL attract.  So, if you’re going out acting like a tiger lurking in tall grass awaiting a nice gazelle to pounce on...this is WRONG.  You won’t be relaxed, calm, and collected.


Going out and simply enjoying your time mingling with other people is the answer…it doesn’t matter where…a lounge, coffee shop, club, airport, grocery store…girls are EVERYWHERE. This immediately makes you more approachable and attractive as you are displaying high levels of confidence and social proof…BOTH are NECESSARY to attract a girl.  The easiest way to do this is take interest in OTHER people!  Remember: You have TWO ears and ONE mouth, USE them accordingly.  You’ll automatically become the life of the party. 


The problem arises that most guys simply won’t do this.  They tell themselves all kinds of disenchanting internal narratives on how it’s ‘weird’ or ‘creepy’ to go out by yourself.  Believe that, and you’ll be stuck in your disempowering comfort zone FOREVER.  Never knowing who you WOULD have met or how great of a time you COULD have had.  This is FATAL to your love life as you NEVER provide yourself with YOUR best possible options.      


Expressing uncertainty is feminine and is a MAJOR TURN off to girls. You are masculine when you are CERTAIN.  Certainty comes from being GENUINE.  Taking a sincere approach in having fun with yourself and others around you IS masculine.  Therefore, any guy who thinks it’s unattractive being out alone is NOT being genuine with himself and his desire to just have a good time.  There is no further objective other than that.  And if a pretty girl comes along?  She will because she noticed this about YOU. Female intuition is real, and VERY preceptive.


My specialty is deciphering the rules of attraction between the masculine and the feminine.  In short…guys, it is YOUR duty to be that polar bear and BREAK the ICE with the girl.  YOUR goal should and always be to have a CHARMING demeanor, with EVERYONE.  That means regardless of the outcome, whether it’s a successful interaction or somebody that’s just a grouch…IT DOES NOT MATTER. Noone will treat you in ways that they don't feel about themselves internally. Masculinity is about overcoming challenges, facing fears, and holding the burden of performance. 


The girl you like isn’t going to come knock on your door. SO GET OUT THERE AND ATTRACT HER!       

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