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What is game? How do I get it?

Short Answer:  There is NO such thing as game.


                  Attraction is a science.  It’s factual.  That means it can be REPLICATED across any number of conditions if the rules are followed…and there ARE rules to dating.  ‘Game’ is nothing more than being a GREAT socializer, and an even BETTER conversationalist.  This is the essence of CHARM. REMEMBER: Girls connect emotionally.  This means expressing your IMMEDIATE attraction for her, sharing similar experiences, being relatable, and sincerely inquiring about her as a person.  In short, YOU LEAD the interaction and allow her to open herself up to you.  Here are the rules:


1. Confidence- This is the FOREMOST intangible variable girls are attracted to.  You have

    complete certainty and ZERO FEAR in your approach to her.  Confidence is

    ingrained from repetitive behaviors with the desired result.  In short, you are 

    comfortable in your own skin…NO MATTER THE OUTCOME.  POSITIVITY  



2. Authenticity- Being genuine is CRITICAL. Girls LOVE when a guy can express his

interest in her immediately by the way she looks, or something unique he noticed

     about her.  Simply saying, “You’re really beautiful,” or “Where did you get

     those, they are awesome!”  Since you know the signs to look for in her

     attraction to you (i.e. eye contact) initiating an honest conversation

     ALWAYS works. Top Tip: Use your surroundings for conversation!  


3. Social Skills- You are approachable, maintain an upright, strong and natural stature.  For

     those of you who think you may be perceived as ‘intimidating’…SMILE

     MORE.  You make eye contact with people and SMILE.  Always look to

     crack a joke or just have a nice, relaxed time.  People are ALWAYS

     attracted to and LOOK for the happy confident types.  80% of who

     someone is communicates via body language. 


Your mental state should always be geared towards opportunity:

Why wouldn’t you want to talk to a beautiful girl? 

You would want to know EVERYTHING about her.  She WANTS you to discover these things about her.  Women are designed this way.  To open up to you SLOWLY.  It is YOUR job to do this.  However, most guys NEVER understand this and fall into the rut of FEAR.  They just can’t take the rejection if it doesn’t work out...embarrassed, feeling even worse for doing it, or more failing.  IT’S APART OF THE PROCESS.  REJECTION is REDIRECTION.  Fearing something is ALWAYS WORSE than actually doing it.  It’s basic human psychology to remain comfortable and AVOID pain. 


Further Instructions:

-ALWAYS get her number, NEVER social media handles.  It’s very weak to ask for the latter.  -DO NOT hesitate. The more you DITHER, the more attraction WITHERS. She senses this

weakness and you’ve DESTROYED your chances.  She already knows you’re interested,


-If she’s chatting with you and laughing at what you say, GREEN LIGHT. YOU ARE IN. Girls

will NEVER be direct or explicit about their interest.  It’s always INDIRECT and UNSPOKEN. She just wants YOU to take CONTROL.

-NEVER act butthurt or be confrontational if she declines or offers resistance.  Say: “Why

say no when saying yes will be so much better?” “When you’re ready for an upgrade you

know where to find me.” “Hey fair enough, enjoy your evening.”  It’s HER decision anyhow.


-ALWAYS try to work on setting the date IN person. The more space, the more barriers you create for that date and it will LOWER your chances.  SPECIFICS…night, time, place...etc.


Bottom line: Most guys are not bold enough to engage in approaching and therefore practicing their social skills. You now KNOW what to say, and what NOT to say.  REMEMBER:  Make it about her.  Keep it positive. 


 EXPAND…PAIN=GROWTH.  Now that’s science.  

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