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She ‘Wasn’t Ready to Date’

Short Answer: You turned her off.


It’s funny, girls ALWAYS say the SAME indecisive things when they are no longer interested in a guy:


“I’m just not ready to date yet”

“I have a lot going on right now”

“I have to get myself/head right”

“I don’t know where I’m supposed to be right now in my life”


And on…and on…I think you get the picture.


The key here with these types of statements is to ALWAYS add at the end, “…with you.”  Girls are nonconfrontational, so few will actually SAY what they actually MEAN. The issue lies in your unique ability to OVER PURSUE.  Whether you began this behavior from your initial meeting with her, to a few months in, or ANYTIME being with her, it means you were in contact FAR too much.  This applies to everything…texting, calling, liking and commenting on her social media, too many dates too soon, etc.  Being too available is the fatal blow in her attraction towards you. This is achieved by:


-Reaching out to her too often.

-Always responding QUICKLY to her messages and calls.

-Not waiting for her to contact you back, ex: double texting

-Talking or texting for hours.

-Not setting hard dates to see her in person, basically being her pen-pal.

-When she throws at SHIT TEST at you, it's failed miserably by being at her beck and


-You are way more into her than she is into you, and she knows it.


Here’s a simple equation to correct this behavior:


Anticipation = Mystery = Challenge = Emotional Engagement = Sexual Desire  


Anticipation is waiting to contact her.  If after a date, stall for a few days to set up another.  REMEMBER: 1 communication exchange per date on a weekly basis.  This allows for her to perceive you as mysterious and want to reach out to you more.  REMEMBER: Perception is reality.  When texting, match and mirror the timing she gives in her responses.  ALWAYS stay off the phone in getting to know her.  That’s what dates are for!   In doing so, she’ll be wondering why you aren’t contacting her like all the other overzealous guys she has known.  This develops into a challenge for her, which equates to STRENGTH.   You show her INDIRECTLY that you can ALLOW her to feel safe emotionally.  You are self-assured and won’t change your behavior simply to please her.  SHE WANTS THIS FROM YOU.  She’s unable to push you around by getting you to cave like ALL THE OTHER GUYS DO… OVER PURSUE and TURN HER OFF.  This leads to her emotional engagement with you.  Girls connect to sex emotionally, therefore a STRONG sexual desire for you is developed.


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