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Red Pill Poison

Short Answer:  It will ROT you from the inside, out.


As this movement has grown, it’s obvious these men are very unhappy with themselves and their success with women.  I have a section in my book devoted to explaining how they ‘de-evolved’ into this form.  FACT: Any person will ALWAYS treat you in ways they feel about themselves.  If they have a POSITIVE attitude inwardly, they will project that outwardly onto other people.  They will seek to help, uplift, and be charitable.  Opposingly, if their attitude is NEGATIVE, they will treat others harshly, be impatient, and with embitterment.  If you believe this Red Pill nonsense, you’re essentially admitting in being BUTTHURT about sucking with girls.  It’s NEVER the guys with options that believe in this jargon anyhow.  They own their masculinity and purpose in life.  They are fun to be around, don’t take themselves too seriously, and are competently working towards their goals...with or without a girl.   

But where did the Red Pill originate from?  SUBPAR dudes.  These are the types of guys that never elevated their dating or life skill sets.  They did not practice on how to properly act around women by being CHARMING, PLAYFUL, POSITIVE and NOT entertaining frivolous tomfoolery from them.  IMPORTANT:  Your actions will always dictate the way a woman feels, thus behaves towards you.  If you act like a BITCH, she WILL treat you like one.  If you act like a disinterested cold-fished DICK, you WILL be treated like one.   A large portion of these men only had a few lovers, sexual encounters, and NEVER dated extensively.  This all came from a FEAR-based mindset.  I guarantee they can’t accept rejection very well, especially from their own past faults: being more of a girl than she was, over pursing, chasing, expressing uncertainty, aimless, emotionally uncontrollable, etc.

REJECTION is the NECESSARY part of the process for SUCCESS, in anything…ESPECIALLY when it comes to girls.  Instead of taking a sincere, yet SKEPTICAL approach to dating, they dove HEADLONG into their self-limited options.  They then did NOT vet their prospects and fell into LUST…this is always first before love. Rants about being a ‘man of value’ are a staple for this group.  They expect the VIRGIN of their dreams to be waiting in a winner’s circle after they have amassed their great fortunes.  If all women wanted multi-millionaires, we would be extinct as a species.  Women crave men who are COMPETENT and CONFIDENT.  They know how to make them feel appreciated and create MYSTERY, as women LOVE ANTICIPATION.  Attraction is not negotiable.  It exists or it doesn’t.  You’ll hear phrases: ‘Hold frame’ ‘She’s not yours it’s just your turn’ ‘She can’t love you like a man wants to be loved.’  Utter NONSENSE.  They are simply afraid of rejection, acting stupid, and have absolutely NO idea how to maintain attraction. Specifically, how to FUCK multiple women.

Once you understand how to act properly around girls, you’ll see just how delusional these guys are.  Asides, most think they are superior because of this wonderful ‘understanding’ they have about ‘female nature.’  Now some of the information I teach and they preach about may overlap…particularly when it comes to Red Flags in girls.  The difference is I promote understanding the science between a masculine CORE and a feminine HEART.  That’s where these guys ERROR. 

Why don’t they list out instructions on how to improve with girls?  Simple steps to spread out your options?  What actually turns a girl on?  How to get great dates? What to do on those dates? Simply, they don’t have the answers. They don’t have the fortitude to take the risks of rejection.  They rather stay cocooned in their safe zone with other unsuccessful men.  Worst of all, they are just as BAD as those hardened FEMINISTS.  Both VICTIMIZE themselves.  Anyone with a victim mentality will NEVER be happy as they do not take responsibility over themselves or their decisions


Decipher it this way:  If they had Victoria Secret models lined up outside their bedroom door, would they believe in it? 


Bottom line… ACCEPT your insecurities, then NO ONE can use them against you.  


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