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Practice, Practice, Practice


Why is it so important to practice your social skills? 

If you don’t help yourself, NOONE will.  Being a great conversationalist by establishing rapport and basically small talk is CRITICAL to your success, both with girls and life in general.  We’re social creatures, it’s what makes us human.  You must get out and become involved with life!  Whether it’s with dating, professionally, or with friendships…it’s all the same answer.  ASSOCIATE WITH OTHERS.  You’ll be pleasantly surprised about how great it will feel and how you will make others feel good too.  (Your presence may even put someone in a much better mood, who was having an absolutely foul day.  Via the law of reciprocation, they will do the same to someone else.)

All great conversations begin with a smile and an easy, ‘Hello.’  Then simply notice the things around you.  It immediately creates a human connection, particularly if it’s funny.  Simply make a comment about where you both are, notice something they are wearing, and be presentable with how you look.  With people’s faces always in their phones, this is becoming ever more of a rarity, so you’re already ahead of most when doing so. This IS the  separator, as the goal is to be assured and unique, therefore CONFIDENT.  

Go do things you like doing. Common sense says people who like doing the same things ALWAYS like each other.  Afterall, this is science.  Never be afraid to try things out of your comfort zone either, as you NEVER know who you’ll meet.  A park, new restaurant, bar, lounge, coffee shop, beach, mall, ANYWHERE…always explore someplace new.  I’ve met great girls by doing so.  Why?  The most attractive girls LOVE to be out and about.  It’s just the way they are, as most shops are catered to women anyhow.  Remember, femininity is about absorbing the emotional experience, especially being in different surroundings.  When you start dating a lot and giving to them in this way, you’ll be enlightened to this fact.      


Why do dating apps mostly not work? Why shouldn't we use them?

Short answer: DATING APPS SUCK. 

This is simply because those that cannot be actively involved with their immediate surroundings resort to these.  It’s a total cop-out to living life.  Being involved, live interactions in-person with people are the BEST ways to meet someone new.  Guys that use apps either BELIEVE they are socially awkward or are AFRAID to talk to girls.  We all know girls utilize filters for heights, jobs, and trivial status pictures.  It’s an incredibly SHALLOW experience and a waste of time.  As I’ve said, you’ll feel much better mingling in-person versus swiping on your phone.  You get to see what she looks like and how she acts (body language communicates 80% of who someone is.)

Two fundamental fears that strike all guys are LONELINESS and REJECTION.  Once you start being more outgoing and social, these WILL fade. I promise you.  I was rather introverted and shy for a while until I smartened up and started going after the things I really wanted.  Any pain you are experiencing is because you are not giving your gift to life, which is yourself.  This was life changing and a complete paradigm shift for me, which is why I want to help guys get these experiences.  Afterall, practice makes perfect and your life will be better for it. 


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