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How Do I Get Her Back?

Short Answer:  Radio silence.


Girls do most of the breakups, most of the time.  Why?  As I’ve said in previous articles, you were not doing the ‘LDL’-Leading, Dating, Listening.  If she STILL wanted to be with you, she would BE.  There are two ways this will play out:



1.        Dumps you completely- she blocks you on everything...puts you on ice.

2.        Friend zone- keeps you on the backburner while she explores her other



That’s it. 


The ONLY response to either of these outcomes is the following:


“I have NO interest in being friends or just talking to you.  When you’re ready to see me, let me know.”

You can utilize your own verbiage, but be precise and curt.


Then, go NO CONTACT.  


That’s it.


THE WORST THING YOU CAN DO IS BEG OR WHINE TO HER...that is repulsive to ANY GIRL. You are only reinforcing her decision acting that way. What you are now doing is initiating the process of reattraction.  You must begin ALL over again, just as if you first met her.  There are ZERO points awarded to you from the past. Her emotions are no longer engaged.  Fact is, you screwed up.  Even if it was a bad choice of a girl, i.e. no integrity, treated you poorly, she cheated or lied to you.  It is STILL your FAULT as you invited her into your life.  It’s better to admit this to yourself ASAP for it will bring you clarity on what to do next.   

If she has some interest level in you, there’s a possibility of her coming back.  If not, FORGET IT.  Girls ALWAYS have other options as they are never exactly single.  They get so many dudes making passes at them…‘guy friends’ (no such thing) or DM’s, their male pen pals, when out with her girlfriends, etc.  They just need to say ‘yes’ ONCE.  Point being, DO NOT PLAN ON THIS.  It’s hard, but hope is the most futile and DUMBEST idea when it comes to thinking she’ll reach back out.  This means you are still emotionally anchored and are BOUND to mess it up once again if she does come back.  Get involved with your passions, improve your SERVICE to others, make yourself happy FIRST.  This way, if she does reach out, you won’t be the guy she dumped.

Tip: The quickest way to heal is go talk to a NEW pretty girl. 

The pain WILL dissipate.   

Now, if she is watching and liking your social media posts, it’s a holiday, or even her BIRTHDAY…DO NOT break the rule of no contact.  SHE must reach out DIRECTLY.  When and IF she does, simply make arrangements to see her…just like when you FIRST met her.  Some texts, a phone call for 10 minutes.  NO MORE.  SHE must COME to YOU. ANYTHING other than a date for sex to happen is her trying to FUCK with you. I explain what these 'shit tests' are in my book. Remember, you didn’t want it to wouldn’t be reading this post right now.

You must treat this JUST like a first date...refer to my book on how to do this and CLOSE. Be charming, POSITIVE, humorous, and authentically inquire about her life. NO talk of past DRAMA, who you have been seeing, who she has been seeing, or talk about your problems, etc.  Anything to make you look weak should NOT be mentioned.  If she asks about other girls be indifferent...say, “I have a few flames in the fire, but no one burning as brightly as you.”  You’re carefree and focused on YOUR life.  Serious talks can come much LATER…I would recommend many dates onwards, ONLY if she brings it up…preferably right AFTER sex.  (Everyone knows this is always the best time to talk about more intense matters.)  IMPORTANT: The only difference between this phase of dating and when you initially met her is she will be doing ALL of the initiating.  You shall do NONE.  As always, exercising patience and minimal action on your behalf here are critical.

By doing the above, you are placing the emotional leverage into your favor and expressing masculinity.  You need to RECLAIM yourself after acting more of a girl than she is…being needy, aimless, over pursuing, overbearing, pedestalizing, feminine, impatient, and being out of control emotionally is what turned her off.  FIND your CENTER, pick yourself up, as this process will begin to refund your bankrupted emotional bank account.

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